Friday, March 13, 2009

A Doggy-Dog World

My cousin has five dogs... one is a new arrival that adopted them.
I do not have a photo of him.
My cousin has a soft heart for animals, especially dogs.

This is Dixie & she has been living with her family for years.
Her buddy, Amy, passed away from cancer a few years back
& she now spends her time alone usually sleeping.
When Amy was alive she loved hunting &
running around all over the land playing.
She is always a sweetheart & was a wonderful companion for Amy.

This adorable guy loves to fetch, loves attention,
loves to play, loves people
& loves to cry for help out of the yard.
He's got to be where the action is --People action that is.
Sassy is the lap dog of the family.
She is also the boss of all the dogs. Short but Mighty!
Originally she belonged to an abusive family
that broke her leg as a way to potty train her.
She was later adopted by her new mother that puts the 'S' in Spoil.
Sassy has been in dog heaven since she found her Mamma.
Pretty, isn't she? Don't touch --you may get bitten.
Milo only likes her family, no one else.
She is VERY protective... The Guard dog of the family.
I had to use a zoom lens on this cutie.
Even as a pup she was the protector;
Just became more skilled as she grew.

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